The land was recorded in the name of Government - Plaintiff is in possession and paying taxes - Defendant obtained order from revenue officer to the effect that defendant is the owner of that land - order is passed without issuing notice to plaintiff and without following due procedure and without following principals of natural justice - Defendant is taking advantage of the said order and trying to remove the plaintiff from the land - suit for declaration - bar to jurisdiction - Sec. 36, 36(A) and 36(B) of The Maharashtra Land Revenue Code.

In view of the specific allegation that without following due procedure and without following principals of natural justice, the revenue authorities have passed the orders in favour of the defendant No.6/petitioner and further in view of the other reliefs prayed in the plaint, other than declaring the orders of the Revenue Officers as ultra virus, which are very well permissible in a civil suit, I do not find any merit in the present petition. Further I have no hesitation to hold that no infirmity of law or error has been committed by the learned trial Court while holding that the suit is maintainable. [Para No.23]